In the Morning

In the Morning

March 14, 2019 Off By Savanna Lynn
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         This morning when I woke up, the very first words out of my mouth were, “Oh, God…”  It wasn’t in a desperate cry for help.  It was simply a groggy thank you that my mind and body uttered as soon as I stirred.  I want to start my every day like that.  It wasn’t even a conscious thing I did, I automatically did it, and then smiled!

         It reminds me of the song with the lyrics, “In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.”  I want that to be my life’s cry.  Just like the verses in Psalm 42, “As the deer pants for streams of living water, so my soul thirsts for You…”  I desire that people can just sense that I am carrying the Kingdom inside me, that my God is just emanating off of me.  That I would be drenched in Love.

         “Oh, God!!”  Just simply uttering that phrase can bring peace to your situation.  I know I have said that many times in despair, and I simply chose to just be in His presence.  Let me tell you, just simply being in Him, will change everything!  There have been many nights I was crying myself to sleep, and I just imagined Jesus being physically right there next to me.  Did I stop crying right away?  No.  But it brought a peace to my hysterical tears.

So, at night as I lay down to sleep, just give me Jesus; and in the morning when I rise, just give me Jesus!