Hone Your Skills

Hone Your Skills

July 27, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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          Today I went golfing for the first time.  It was actually quite the fun experience!  My Grandpa was really impressed with me!  I’m not saying this to brag… I did some very terrible hits as well.  I would do a couple practice swings beforehand, line the club up with the ball, fix my stance, and swing!  Only to watch it fly off to the left…  I even lost a ball in the thicket!

But all the while my Grandpa says that I have potential.  If only I’d hone my skills.  He taught me all the little golf knowledge I know.  He kept giving pointers, and saying what I did to make the ball go where.

          I think life with the Holy Spirit can be like me playing golf with Grandpa.

         Sometimes we mess up.  We turn to the right or the left, we get lost, or sometimes we completely miss!  But there are times when we focus on all the knowledge we have to “hit the mark”.  Don’t hear what I’m not saying!  I’m not saying we get it right by ourselves!

          The Holy Spirit feeds us wisdom and knowledge, and through that—with His help—we are able to succeed.  He tells us that we have potential!  We have the ability to “swing just right” with the knowledge He gives us.  But we need to hone our skills.

          A preacher or a worship leader aren’t perfect.  They don’t just magically have the abilities to play this note or say that phrase just perfectly right away.  (Well, maybe some people; but not most!)  They have taken the time to hone their skills, and be better equipped to serve God.

          Perfect practice makes better; not “practice makes perfect” …  No one is perfect.  But we can be better than we were yesterday.  So, practice and hone the skills that God gave you.  It could hurt sometimes, and you could feel like you’re spiritually sore, but I promise that there is great reward in growing with God and furthering your abilities for His glory.