Nap and Snack

Nap and Snack

November 2, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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          The last two weeks have been pretty crazy for me.  I have had to work for “me time” and it was hard.  But it has been good when I’ve had it.

          God knew what He was saying (of course He did; He’s God!) when He said that we need to rest.  He knew that it is good to rest.  He even rested!  God is good, and resting is good.

          I saw meme on the Facebook the other day, and it said:

“This is your gentle reminder that one time in the Bible, Elijah was like, ‘God, I’m so mad!  I want to die!’  So, God said, ‘Here’s some food.  Why don’t you have a nap?’  So, Elijah slept, ate, and decided things weren’t so bad.  Never underestimate the spiritual power of a nap and a snack.” 

I Kings 19

          Ahh…  rest.  It’s so nice.  “Rest” in Hebrew is “sabbath,” which can mean cease, remove, put away, and celebrate, among other things.  As you go about this week, don’t forget to cease your worrying, remove unnecessary things from your schedule, put away the phone for a while, and celebrate the life you have been given!