Bloom Where You Are Planted

Bloom Where You Are Planted

May 25, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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            The other day I was planting our starters in our raised garden beds.  (Honestly, we planted the starters three weeks later than we should’ve!  The poor plants had all their roots tangled up at the bottom…)  I enjoyed getting my hands dirty; the feel of the soil, rich between my fingers.  The planting of seedlings, and looking forward to the harvest later in the year.  Being careful not to damage the roots, I would gently take the seedlings out of the starter container, gingerly break up the roots, then place them in the ground, and water them.

            Did you know that Father God is a gardener?  It’s true!  Jesus said this in John 15, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the gardener.”

            Our Father enjoys getting into our mess, and making it even more beautiful.  He loves the feel of our rich souls between His fingers.  He planted His Word in us, which can save us (Jam. 1:21), and looks forward to the harvest we will produce for Him at the end of our earthly lives.

            We are weak humans; our life is but a whisper in the wind.  Yet, our loving Gardener is careful with us.  He will never damage us.  He is always gentle with us, bringing us out of our comfort zone into something much bigger and better!  At first it may feel like a strain on us, He will gingerly stretch us, breaking up our comfort zone.  But He only does that out of His goodness.  He knows what needs to be done for us to thrive.  He will plant us right where He knows we need to be, and He will water us.

            Later in life, when you’ve bloomed, you will see how God was being gracious in His goodness when He stretched you.  You would never have been able to reach your “full potential”—if I may—if you had stayed where you were at.  You eventually would’ve choked yourself out.

            So, find joy in the journey.

            Relax and let Him do the hard work.  He is the gardener after all…  Let Him do His job; you do yours.  Trust Him, and bloom.  Let your fragrant worship pour out to Him as an offering; others will see your beauty, and want to know more.  That will be just the start of the harvest that you’ll bring to Him…