Dive Into the River

Dive Into the River

September 14, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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         I just read Ezekiel 47 the other day; it was a vision about a river flowing from the temple in Jerusalem.  It was a great chapter!  I encourage you to read it for yourself.

         The angel in the vision led Ezekiel into the river; each time a little further out.  First, he was led to where his feet were covered.  Next, he was led to where the water came up to his knees.  Then, he was led to where the water came up to his waist.  Finally, he couldn’t be led out any further unless he swam.

         This water was coming from the worship place; God’s holy sanctuary.  Each time we go a little further with God, we are going deeper, and we become more and more refreshed than when we were “dry”.  He leads us out into the place where we aren’t in control, and we have to trust Him.

         This river was flowing into the Dead Sea.  It was replacing the salt water with its fresh water.  Wherever this river flowed, it brought life!!  So, this Dead Sea—that is rightfully named—will no longer be the “dead sea;” it will be the “life sea”!

         On both sides of the river will be all kinds of fruit trees, and there will be fish in the water.  Food for everyone!  Provisions from God!  The leaves from these trees will be used for healing.  Healings from God!  In this passage we see Jehovah Jireh—God Our Provider; we also see Jehovah Rapha—the God Who Heals.  These are biblical names of God that He tells us.

         God wants us to know who He is.

         He tells us all over scripture.  He is also called Jehovah Shammah—the Lord is There; Jehovah Nissi—the Lord Our Banner; Jehovah Tsidkenu—the Lord Our Righteousness.  You can find much more written all over the Bible.

         God gives us life, and He tells us who He is.  He takes us deeper into love with Him, and He is in control.  God feeds us, and refreshes our souls.  He cares about us so deeply, and longs for us to love Him back.

         So, it’s time to dive into the water…  Will you dive with me?