God Loves You

God Loves You

August 31, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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         I read Ezekiel 16 yesterday.  It started out so beautiful…  Talking about how God saw Israel.  How she was like a baby cast away at birth and left in a field to die, but then God walked by and said, “Live.”  So she lived.  Then God walked by years later and took her in to marry her.  He washed her clean, dressed her in fine clothes, put jewelry on her, and made her queen.

         She was very famous for her beauty.  God said in verse fourteen that her “beauty was perfect because [He] gave [her His] glory.”  Ah!  I just loved reading verses one through fourteen!!  It made me feel special!

         “But you trusted your beauty…” (Verse fifteen.)

        Now we read the terribly sad part.  It goes on to say how Israel forgot how God came and took her in, forgot how He loved her, forgot her first love.  She loved others how she should have only loved God.  She made idols out of the jewelry He gave her, she committed adultery, she even sacrificed her sons and daughters who belonged to God!  I broke down at this part…

         How could someone do such things to anyone who cared for them so??  But if you think about it, it’s done every day, everywhere; even right here in America.

         People are “loving” others (making “soul ties” with other people who don’t love them back correctly) and ignoring the One who loves them the most.  Phone, TVs, books, things that God blessed us with have become idols.  We have forgotten our first love, Jesus our Bridegroom, and left Him for worthless things that don’t satisfy.  Parents aren’t caring about telling their children about their Heavenly Daddy…  some are not even giving their kids a chance to live…

         As I was reading this, I was so heartbroken…  God LOVES His people!  He wants to love on them…  But He is so heartbroken over the acts of His creation…

         I choose to be with Him.  He is my Father, my Bridegroom, my lover.  I choose to love Him back.  I want to share with others His love for them!

         “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”  II Chron. 7:14