He is Faithful

He is Faithful

May 11, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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            I recently got a new phone; I’m really enjoying the newness, the lots of storage, the AMAZING pictures I can now take!!  But I’ve been realizing that I’ve become addicted to the new phone.  My phone usage has doubled from what it was before!  You think that’s bad?  Yesterday I was on it for over six hours; before the new phone, my average phone usage for a whole week was just over six hours!!  I woke up this morning knowing something has got to change.

            That’s when it dawned on me… I’ve been trying to get over the new phone phase by myself; but I hadn’t asked for help.  So right there, laying in my bed this morning, I asked God to help me get my phone usage down to under two hours a day.  And guess what my morning devotional was about this morning??

“I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.”  ~Jesus

Mark 11:24 NLT

            After that, it wrote, “How exciting to know that what you’ve asked God for is on its way.”  Isn’t it nice to know that God has your back?  Like, He knows what you need, and what you have asked for, and will make a way accordingly.  I have a past of Him being faithful with me in small things, and in big things.

         Most recently for me was less than a month ago…

           I knew I was going into a crazy week, so before the start of it, I prayed that God will give me peace and that I wouldn’t blow up at anyone.  I can say with pride (not pride in myself, but in what my Father has done for me!) that I did not lash out at anyone that week!  In the past, I would’ve already snapped at someone in the middle of that week.

            Even now… It’s been less than three hours since I asked God for help in my phone addiction.  I am sitting outside, and realized that I did not bring my phone outside!  It’s the small things I am grateful for right now!

            I love it when my Daddy helps me in my small, but significant weaknesses.  He loves to surprise us and come through for us in the small things.  That’s how He builds our faith.  He longs to help in the small things.  I encourage you to step out this week, and ask God for help with one small thing.  Just like in the verse; if you believe you’ve received it, it will be yours.

           And I will be happy to report to you next week when I have been on my phone no more than two hours a day!

           Edit on May 18: I am happy to say that six out of seven days this last week I was on my phone for less than two hours a day!! The one day was Sunday, and Sunday has always been a “chill-lax” day for us, not really any routine or anything. This last Sunday was four hours less than the other Sunday, so I call that a win! 😉