His Goodness

His Goodness

December 7, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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God has been so good to me all my life.  But I’ve been seeing it more and more in preparation for the next part of my life.  Some of you know I’ve been wanting to do a Discipleship Training School with Youth With A Mission; well, I’ve been accepted!!  So, I just want to share the awesome things that have been happening lately.

The Prophetic Word

First, right off the bat, in the phone call that said I was accepted, one of the prophetic words that the staff gave me was “Blossom.”  That might not seem very significant, except for the fact that God has spoken that very word over me through multiple different people since December 2015!  That immediately showed me that God really is at work here.

The Passport

Next, I had to apply for a passport.  I was major stressing over all the little details I had to get in line before going to the post office.  I finally got it all in line, and I went to the post office at 4:45.  It closes at 5:15, so I thought, “Yeah. I got this. Get in, drop off, pay, get out.”  Well.  As it turns out, I apparently need to call to make an appointment!  And!  They only do it from 10am to 3pm…  I hadn’t called, and I was an hour and forty-five minutes after passport time…

The lady who usually does the passports was there, so the guy, who told me I needed to call, said to talk to her. I waited in line, silently praying that this could be done and over with today, but that it’d be alright if it’s not, but I’d really like it done today!

She called me up, I told her what I wanted, she said, “Let’s go to the back room.”  I followed her back there, and she saw all the effort I had done to put it together.  She was very impressed, and said it was one of the BEST passport applications she’s ever done!  That made me feel so relieved, and good, especially after the stress I was going through to get it together the day before.  She got my passport application sent off THAT DAY and to top it off, she said that I was her favorite costumer of the day!  It was such a great feeling!

The Financial Support

At the beginning of all this, I was expecting to pay for my YWAM DTS all by myself.  I had enough money with less than a thousand to spare. But a few people from my church asked if I was going to do any fundraising.  I was unsure.  Then one of my best friends said I should pray about.  I did, and immediately got the answer to bake sourdough bread!  So that’s what I’ve been doing since October.  And the support has been FLOODING in!  I don’t know how else to explain it. A couple of women from my church has even used their talents and made things to sell and gave me all the proceeds! People who I’ve never even met before has helped support me financially!

Financial support has flooded me so much, that I will be fully funded!  I was also able to take the money I saved personally to buy a vehicle!  People have even given me practical things I will need.

God Is Awesome!

What’s more; when I applied for my passport at the end of October, I was told that I wouldn’t receive my passport until the end of December to the first couple weeks of January.  Well, I got my passport December 2nd!  An entire month before I was expecting it!

All of this to say that God is real, God is present, and God is good.  He cares about every little and big thing in our lives! I’ve heard it said to not pay for something He wants out of your own wallet, but out of His wallet.  I am experiencing His wallet, and it’s amazing!