Invited to Inquire

Invited to Inquire

March 31, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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          A few months ago, I was talking with a friend about something.  I was saying how I had an “unnamed question,” which means that I felt inside I had something weighing on me, but I had no idea what it was.  In my friend’s wisdom, she simply replied, “You are being invited to inquire with Holy Spirit.”

          As soon as she had said that phrase, I have loved it!  Such a loving picture it brings to mind!  I am invited.  I am chosen to find out the mysteries of God.  I am wanted in conversation.  Father God wants to have a meaningful interaction with me.

          I’m not just “another thing” that God created.  He created me with a purpose, and with a destiny.  My purpose is to love Him, it is to worship my loving, Creator Father.  My destiny is to bring His glory here to the earth.  I am only able to fulfill my destiny if I am walking out my purpose.  I bring His glory by knowing His glory.  I know His glory, by spending time with Him.

          You are invited to inquire the glorious mysteries of God too.  The Holy Spirit longs for you to search out His depths.  He is wooing you; He is longing for you; He is inviting you to inquire.

          You are invited to inquire; are you going to accept the invitation?