It Takes Two

It Takes Two

March 17, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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          The other day I was thinking about my relationship with Jesus.  I don’t remember what exactly I was thinking about, but I do remember something that stood out to me and I will never forget it.

          A lot of people—I was guilty of this too—think that they have to do all the work in their relationship with Jesus.  This IS NOT true! 

All relationships are a two-way deal.

Every human being knows that.  So why would you think that the Creator of relationships is doing nothing but glean from what you give?

          God is Someone who wants to communicate with us.  Why would He walk in the garden with Adam and Eve if He didn’t?  He talks with us all the time.  He communes with us in multiple different ways.  Through the Bible, through us being still, through other people, through books, whatever way He wants to communicate to you through, He will.  It could even be through a Disney movie!!

          I sometimes like to imagine Jesus just sitting right here next to me.  It sometimes helps me to be vulnerable with Him.  There have been multiple times where I have poured my heart out to Him, and He responded with comfort and peace.  So, there is my proof that God does respond to us.

          Though, I can’t prove my feelings to you.  You have to taste and see for yourself that the Lord is good (Ps 34:8)!  Don’t be scared to start tasting; there is no fear in God.  He casts all fear out.  He wants to start doing more in His part of the relationship, but He won’t unless you let Him.  No one wants a friend who is shoving things in your face all the time.  Jesus simply waits for you to take the next step towards Him, and He’ll sweep you off your feet.