Psalm 103

Psalm 103

April 28, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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          My reading yesterday was in Psalm 103.  The beginning starts out as David declaring that he will praise the Lord, and the reasons why he is going to praise God.  It’s a beautiful psalm, but I’ll only mention the first five verses.  I suggest reading it on your own!

With my whole heart, with my whole life, and with my innermost being, I bow in wonder and love before You, the holy God!

Psalm 103:1 TPT

          Being a Christian is not just a Sunday morning deal.  You can’t just show up to church, at 10:29am, on a Sunday, and think that it’s all good.  (I mean, you CAN do that, and think that, but that’s not what being a Christian is all about.)  Being a Christian is a lifestyle.  David understood this; he said that he will worship God with everything he has.  David was a worshipper.

Yahweh, You are my soul’s celebration. How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness You’ve done for me?

Psalm 103:2 TPT

          God is kindness.  Every kindness is from Him (Philip. 2:13).  When you experience kindness, it’s God’s hand towards you; even if the person showing it isn’t a Christian.  When the person in front of you pays for your groceries, or when someone wants to bless you with $500, or when someone sends you a “thinking of you” card, it makes you feel special and known, right?  It’s God the Father showing you His loving kindness.

You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done. You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease.

Psalm 103:3 TPT

          God has forgiven us.  I don’t know about you; what I DO know is that I’ve done a lot of things that I shouldn’t have done.  But, because of my Heavenly Father, and His grace, I confessed to Him that I was wrong, and I know He has forgiven me!  (1 Jn. 1:9.)

          I can also say that He loves to heal; that’s His business!!  One of His names are “Jehovah Rapha,” which means, “the God who Heals.”  I can give you personal testimonies of times when God has physically healed me; both internally, and externally!!

You’ve rescued me from hell and saved my life. You’ve crowned me with love and mercy.

Psalm 103:4 TPT

          I am crowned with mercy; because of Jesus’ mercy, I don’t have to go to hell.  But more than that, I’m crowned with love; because of His love and grace, I get to go to heaven!  I get to literally be eternally grateful to Him. 

You satisfy my every desire with good things. You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again like a flying eagle in the sky!

Psalm 103:5 TPT

          Because God loves us so, He likes to fill us with good things from Him.  If we ask Him, He will give to us.  He has all the energy in the world, and outside the world; He can give us energy to do what needs to be done.  (Can all the introverts say AMEN?!)

          What it all comes down to is this: God loves us, and He loves to bless us.  We can see His blessings all around; sometimes we just have to look for it.  But even when we don’t see it, He deserves all our praise and worship!