Ready to Serve

Ready to Serve

April 14, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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          This morning in my daily reading, I was reading from I Samuel 25.  It’s about the story of David asking a man named Nabal for some food.  Nabal refused to treat David and his men kindly, although David was protecting Nabal’s shepherds and sheep from harm.  So, of course David got angry, and set out to kill all of Nabal’s household… wouldn’t you get angry if you were doing all this work for someone, and they pretend they don’t even know you???  Hopefully not angry enough to kill!  But I know I would be angry!!

          Nabal’s wife, Abigail, was considered a “sensible and beautiful” woman, but Nabal was harsh and mean (verse three).  Abigail understood that her husband was a stubborn fool.  As soon as she heard what Nabal told David, and of David’s fury, she took it upon herself to prepare food and bring it to David and his men.  When David saw how kind she was, his wrath subsided, and he returned to his camp peacefully.

          Nabal died shortly after.  David heard of this, and asked Abigail to be his wife.  And I just love her response!  “I am ready to serve.  I am ready to wash the feet of my master’s servants.” (Verse 41.)  It gives me a picture of what we the Church, the BRIDE, are to be like.

“I’m ready to serve!”

          Here we are, Jesus has proposed to us, how should we respond?  I believe it should be like that of Abigail’s.  “We’re ready to serve, Jesus!  We’re ready to wash Your fellow lovers’ feet!”  Jesus even commanded us to wash each other’s feet in John 13:14!  “So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you must wash each other’s feet.”

          We have an Old Testament example of the New Testament Bride.  Yes, we live in a different culture than that of “washing feet”… in America, we have the privilege to wash our own feet every day, and have an environment to keep them clean.  But in a lot of other places, they don’t have shoes like us, or access to clean water to keep their feet clean.  When you would wash someone’s foot, their foot would be all dirty, probably have blisters on them, and most likely really stink.  It is a very humbling job to do.

          I believe the main picture behind this is to humble ourselves before our brothers and sisters in Christ; to forget our pride, and to serve one another.  Jesus, the High King, was the humblest servant of all.  He gave an example that we should follow (Jn 13:15).  To be like Jesus is to walk with our head held high, yet to stoop for whoever is in need; to know we are important and we matter, yet to not look down on those who are lost; to know we are seated in heavenly places, yet to help others up to the same places we are in.

          We are His Bride.  He has proposed to us.  My response is, “I’m ready to serve!”  What is your response?

Those who honor themselves will be humbled, but people who humble themselves will be honored.

Luke 14:11