Reckless Abandon

Reckless Abandon

December 15, 2020 Off By Savanna Lynn
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          Once upon a time, in a land far, far away…  I’m talking about Virginia.  When I lived there, I lived on the Army Post, Fort Belvoir.  The way to get on post is by showing your military ID, or going through the visitor’s gate, giving them your drivers license and waiting for them to clear you.  This is a story of my—mmm, not thinking straight.

          I was headed off to School of Word and Worship (SOWW), and I had just gotten off post when I realized that I forgot my wallet!!  So, I turned around and prayed hard that I could get back on post.  I went to the visitor’s gate, and when I came up to the guard, I just simply told him the truth that I forgot my wallet and I live on post.  He asked what street I lived on, I told him, and with that he let me pass!

         I ran up to my room to get my wallet from where I usually keep it.  Only to find that it wasn’t there!  I then vaguely remembered that I put it in my backpack, which was in the car with me…

         So, I woke up two days ago randomly thinking about this story at 6:15AM.  I wasn’t fully conscious at this point, but as I was thinking about it, I felt a “boom” moment in my spirit.  (A “boom” moment as in the Holy Spirit showed me something.)

         If God can get me on a military base without any identification, He can, and will get me anywhere.

         It’s the little things like these that build faith and trust in God.  I imagine myself in “big, scary” moments where I need to trust Him because if I don’t, I will fail and fall hard.  The life stories of faith “heroes” like George Müller, Brother Andrew, and Corrie Ten-Boom, have always been apart of me and has grown my faith in God.  They might not say they were/are “faith heroes,” but they have definitely shown great examples of a kingdom minded life!

         I want to live my life like they did.  I want to be fully abandoned to the kingdom and its work.  And with all these little things happening in my life, it’s easy for me to see myself reckless abandon everything, because I know that God will take care of me.